The Dictionary of Paperweight Signature Canes (1st Ed)
Dictionary of Paperweight Signature Canes--Identification and Dating by Andrew H. Dohan Includes separate price guide. Too many internet auction sellers don't know what they are selling. Become a paperweight expert! Ever wondered who really made that mysterious paperweight you inherited from your great aunt or picked up in the dusty corner of a second-hand store? You just might find the answer in "The Dictionary of Paperweight Signature Canes," by Andrew Dohan, Paperweight Press, 1997. This valuable reference has over 400 color close-up illustrations of the signature and date canes used by 110 antique and modern paperweight artists, bead makers and glass factories, plus those canes which might be confused as signature canes or which are fakes. The paperback book has 301 pages, all color illustrations, short biographical and anecdotal sections on each artist and factory with an abundance of interesting information, a comprehensive questionnaire for judging the value of unsigned pieces, a section describing the techniques used to create collectible glass paperweights as well as the signature canes themselves, an extensive bibliography of paperweight books and magazine articles, and an extensive index listing all initial and date canes. Don't pass up that valuable find because you don't know how rare it is! About the Price Guide: VALUE GUIDE Price guides, although helpful, are dangerous, as they represent monetary worth at a single point in time. Market conditions, of course, fluctuate. Most antique paperweights have seen a steady rise in value over the years. Many of the early artists from the 1960s and 1970s have declined in popularity as current-day artists produce more spectacular pieces.