Warrior Mothers: Stories To Awaken The Flames Of The Heart
This informative book points the way to discovering our ability to make a difference in the world, to create a world without violence, hunger or hatred -- a world that supports life rather than destroys it. Twenty-four women from all walks of life share their personal stories to inspire and awaken readers from apathy and despair to a call for action. Armed with passion, a fierce protective nature and the undeniable wisdom of the ages, these women change the world -- one person, one block, one cause, one city at a time. Each woman's story affirms humanity's capacity to make changes, and supports the dream that a better future is possible. The 24 women include the well known, like China Galland, Frances Moore Lappe, Helen Caldicott, and actress Sherry Glaser, plus many local and regional heros. Activists discuss their work against chemical polluters, depleted uranium, toxics incineration, child abuse, war, while others share their work to save the Arctic National Wildlfie Refuge and the remaining redwoods. The resulting book provides a compelling read that is inspiring, thought-provoking, and action-invoking