The Global Flood Of Noah
Revelation designates the unveiling of facts and truths by God, and has reference to the communication of information from God to man. From a human standpoint, revelation is both possible and necessary. It is possible because God, being omnipotent, is quite capable of such communication with mankind as His creation. It is necessary because without such a revelation, it would be impossible for man to understand the things it is imperative that he know. Knowledge of such important topics as the existence of God, man's divine origin, his purpose while here on Earth, and his eternal destiny would be unavailable were it not for divine revelation. Fortunately, God has provided such a revelation in two forms: (1) general (or natural) and; (2) special (or supernatural) revelation. General revelation comes to man through nature itself, as the apostle Paul explained in Romans 1:20-21 when he wrote that even God's "everlasting power and divinity" may be seen "through the things that are m