The Celtic Vision
The Hebridean islands of Scotland stretch-out into the Atlantic, immense expanses of barren, treeless and rock terrain. The inhabitants of the desolate isles, spent their evenings "telling tales and histories, invocations and prayers, singing hymns and songs, runes and lays, sweet, beautiful and soft. "The Celtic scholar Alexander Carmichael, spent a lifetime collecting the prayers, the songs and the poetry of these remarkable people. The fruit of his work is the six-volume Carmina Gadelica, an unrivaled treasury of Celtic spirituality. The distinguished writer, Ester de Wall, has compiled a one-volume anthology from Carmichael's great work, introducing the Celtic people to a wider audience. Dividing her selections by theme, with titles such as Creation, Morning Prayers, Farming and Fishing. Household, Saints and Angels, and Sun and Moon, she shows us the unique marriage between the everyday and the eternal, which marks the Celtic mind. Praying and working are not separated, and the rhythm of each day and year is celebrated and offered to God.