Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration: The Divine Comity
Current educational, political, and economic conditions are prompting increased calls for educators to redesign campus environments that develop the whole student with a focus on student learning outcomes. In a climate of shrinking resources and greater scrutiny on higher education, isolated approaches between student and academic affairs can no longer be sustained; creating educational environments that promote student learning requires collaborative efforts across the academy. Although significant progress has been made nationally in developing partnerships between academic and student affairs divisions, more needs to be done to ensure the holistic development of all students.Student and Academic Affairs Collaboration: The Divine Comity is a practical guide for fostering and improving collaborative relationships between faculty and student affairs personnel. It reveals the nine elements necessary for successful partnerships between the two divisions, and offers long-term strategies for creating designs that are more coherent, comprehensive, and collaborative.Written and edited by leading scholars and practitioners from NASPA's Student Affairs Professionals Working With and In Academic Affairs Knowledge Community, The Divine Comity highlights best practices from institutions nationwide that are engaging in effective student and academic affairs partnerships. It also provides recommendations for outreach efforts, communication plans, classroom�residence hall continuity, and collaboration within the community college setting.The Divine Comity is a vital resource for higher education professionals interested in improving the success of all students.