Young Adult Ministry: Step-by-Step Help for Starting or Revitalizing Your Ministry with People Ages 18 to 35
Build a flourishing YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY...with new insight and effective steps to create a successful ministry to the nations biggest age group, ages 18 to 35. You'll get answers to these perplexing questions: *How do I minister to this diverse age group? *How do I revive a struggling young adult ministry? *How do I keep up with highly mobile young adults? *How do I minister to both marrieds and singles? *How can I reach unchurched young adults? *In what ways should my congregation be involved? *How do I motivate my congregation to start a young adult ministry? Plus you'll learn: *how to find and address young adult needs; *what type of programming works and why; *how you can plan and create programs; *how you can increase your effectiveness and avoid burnout; *what you can do if you're from a small church; *what helpful resources are available to you; and *how you can get help. Plan now to use this step-by-step professional guide to create your own successful young adult ministry.