Bluesify Your Melody: Cross Harp Songbook - Blues Harmonica and Guitar
From "Shenadoah" to "Silent Night," and "Amazing Grace" to "Wabash Cannonball," almost every harmonica song becomes bluesy when you play it in second position. In this new book and CD, Jon notates and plays the melodies of almost 100 great public domain songs in the style every one loves the best: second position blues harp. On the 73-minute "CD SongTeacher," Jon demonstrates each song, using multiple embouchures, bends, pull-offs, pull-ons, vibrato, hand flutters, rhythmic chugging, tongue-blocking, octaves and tongue-slaps, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 12th positions, to make these tunes come alive in the language of the blues harp. This program is designed to be a training manual for harp players and a resource of ideas and songs to last a lifetime.