The Darkroom Handbook : A Complete Guide to the Best Design, Construction and Equipment
Photography is experiencing a period of explosive growth and hundreds of thousands of new photographers each week join the millions already finding satisfaction and the opportunity for personal growth and expression in the medium.This growth is also reflected in the number of photographers who have decided to do their own color or black and white printing themselves, in their own darkroom. Not only is it less expensive to do it yourself but the results are usually better and always more satisfying. Until now there has not been a comprehensive book that explains, in a step-by-step fashion, how to build and equip a good darkroom at a low cost. This book is the end result of the trials and errors of many photographers who have shared their ideas freely with the authors. This book will tell you how to put a darkroom in an apartment or house, in bathrooms, kitchens, spare rooms, closets, and basements ... almost anywhere.