Written Out of History: Our Jewish Foremothers
This collection restores Jewish women to their rightful place in history. By sifting through historical reports, letters, memoirs, court papers, and other documents, the authors rediscover and rescue from obscurity the records of Jewish women from the Bible and Talmud, ancient Greece and Egypt, through medieval and Renaissance times, and into the modern period. The authors remind us of a heritage of Jewish women as property owners, traders, teachers, scribes, printers, poets, queens, commoners--proving Jewish women's presence as a vital force in the march of the Jewish people. This book is perfect for personal reading by adults, young adults, and reading groups, as well as a library reference. The book includes a bibliography, footnotes, and an index. Originally published in 1978 by Bloch Publishing, this 1990 edition includes timely revisions and additions by the authors.