Mastering the Unpredictable: How Adaptive Case Management Will Revolutionize the Way That Knowledge Workers Get Things Done
The facilitation of knowledge work or what is increasingly known as "Case Management" represents the next imperative in office automation. The desire to fully support knowledge workers within the workplace is not new. What's new is that recent advances in Information Technology now make the management of unpredictable circumstances a practical reality.
There's now a groundswell of interest in a more flexible, dynamic approach to supporting knowledge work. Here are examples of what recognized experts have have recently written on the topic:
Advancing to support more knowledge work is the goal of many organizations,
thus there is a new groundswell of activity around unstructured processes.
- Jim Sinur, VP of Research, Gartner
I think a sea change is coming in the process world.
-Connie Moore, Research Vice President, Forrester
The sea of change Moore refers to is about technology that is able to support knowledge workers. The work of a knowledge worker is by its nature unpredictable and can not be handled by more formalized process definition techniques.
For executives and managers of knowledge workers, "Mastering the Unpredictable" will:
- Explain the need and why previous technological approaches don't meet the need
- Explain the current technology gap, and the new technology that can close the gap
- Lay out the options that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their organizations
- Equip them to best take advantage of this evolving trend