This 24th Edition offers the most up-to-date and complete travel guide made by and for lesbians. Get the inside scoop on local lesbian hotspots from our unique city overviews, some written by our readers! * 10,000+ listings cover North America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and major capitals of Europe* notes women-run businesses, vegetarian menus, wheelchair access, multiracial clientele * all information verified annually * International Calendar of Women's Festivals & Events * Camping & RV Spots * lesbian-oriented tours, vacations, cruises & Adventures * Info-packed City Overviews give the inside scoop on local lesbian hangouts & nightlife in major cities* for a diverse array of women travellers, including women of color, trans women, younger women, older women, disabled women, vegetarians, pagans, kinky women & more * covers the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, and major cities in South America, Europe & SE Asia: Amsterdam, Bangkok, Barcelona, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Dublin, London, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Santiago, Tokyo and Sydney