Where the Jobs Are: Career Survival for Canadians in the New Global Economy
Revised May 1996.
The indispensable guide for those looking for their first job or their next job in the workplace of the future. Technology, free trade, the ‘global economy,’ the ‘jobless recovery’ all are having an irrevocable impact on the employment outlook for Canadians, and all are challenging or hopelessly confusing to those who must undertake serious career planning.
Where the Jobs Are is both a resource book and a comprehensive analysis of the economic, demographic, and geopolitical trends that affected the job market in the 1990s and will continue to affect it into the 21st century. Which sectors will survive and thrive and where in the world will they operate? What business practices and organizational structures will companies need to be competitive and how can potential job seekers recognize these well-positioned companies? What are the prospects for Canada, its strengths and weaknesses, on the global playing field? And what are the personal skills required to develop a career strategy, market oneself to prospective employers, and anticipate workplace changes and upheavals before they arrive?
Thoroughly comprehensive, this is the book that offers job seekers of any age or job history a blueprint for assessing the career market at the company, industry, and country levels - and for taking control of their careers and future prosperity.