Splendor of Sorrow: For Sinners Only
Deeply felt, mesmerizing, and powerful, this cinematic book will change forever how you regard the mysteries of suffering and grace.
In Splendor of Sorrow, Eddie Doherty styles himself the "Blindman," who realizes that without help he cannot understand the significance of important happenings in our Christian heritage. He calls upon his friends, the saints, to lead him back through time, and help him to "see."
Eddie brings saints and angels from throughout history into the story, relying on their insight to illuminate the mysteries taking place before them. With St. Francis, St. Martin, St. Michael, St. Therese, St. Anthony--and a host of angels and saints--the author collapses time and space to make us witnesses of key events in the life of Our Lord and Our Lady, which Catholic tradition refers to as the "seven sorrows" of Mary. We "see" each sorrow and joy through the eyes of the Blindman.
Through a life of spectacular adventure and searing tragedy, Eddie Doherty came to see in the Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God how God's light shines even in the sufferings of this world. In these pages, he takes you into those Sorrows, showing you how to find the mystery of divine joy within.