The wonder of the created cosmos is that it is indeed a tapestry -a carefully planned patterns of dark threads and light- and not merely a random collection of billiard balls following chaotic pathways through a mindless ocean of space, as 20th century science would have us believe. The source Hilarion, writing this book through the pen of Maurice B. Cooke, takes you on a fantastic voyage: backward through time to glimpse secrets that lie buried under the dust of ages, upward into a cosmic awareness that dwarfs the petty concerns of everyday, and inward to the seat of divinity that waits patiently within each of us for the inevitable day of discovery. With this quiet humour, and the same gentle widsom that runs like a golden thread through all of his writings, Hilarion shows us the earth from his own perspective -shows that it is a precious experiment soon to give forth its richest fruits: a civilization that can manifest the love of God at the level of man.