Romanian Volunteers of the Waffen-Ss, 1944-1945 (Eastern Front Battle Series)
This is the first English-Language account in detail of the last Romanian formation volunteer legion to fight against the Communists on the eastern front. The history of the "Iron Guard" is covered from the 30s, the ban on the party by the corrupt Romanian Monarchy, & finally the participation of the "Iron Guard" during the war years & the formation of the Military Legion of "Iron Guard" members in the struggle against the Bolshevik invasion of Romania. Over 200 rare photos from the archives of "Iron Guard" members from the 30s to the 40s. Full publication services: Typesetting, paste-ups, printing & binding. In-house artist available for designing book covers & other artwork for authors. Send stamp-addressed envelope for free book list. Best selection of books on World War II & the Third Reich Era. Bibliophile Legion Books, Inc. Box 612, Silver Spring, MD 20918-0612.