Procedures in Experimental Physics
By John Strong with several collaborators. First published in 1938 by Prentice-Hall. This volume is one of the Lost Technology Series. 642 pages. Book measures about 5 1/2" X 8 1/" X 1 1/2". ISBN 0-917914-56-2. Find wall-to-wall practical how-to and incredible illustrations on almost every one of the more than 600 pages. Chapters include: laboratory glass blowing, laboratory optical work, technique of high vacuum, coating of surfaces by evaporation and sputtering, the use of fused silica, electrometers and electroscopes, Geiger counters, vacuum thermopiles and the measurement of radiant energy, optics, photoelectric cells and amplifiers, photography in the lab, heat and high temperature, notes on the materials of research, notes on the construction and design of instruments and apparatus, and molding and casting.