Circles of Influence: Impressionism to Modernism in Southern California Art, 1910-1930
Circles of Influence looks at the transition from Impressionist-inspired landscape painting to Modernism in Southern California art. The book features essays on both the city of Los Angeles and the styles of art prevalent in the area from 1900 to 1930. A chronology of the time period and full catalogue of the exhibit are included. Artists include Mabel Alvarez, Benjamin F. Berlin, Nicholas Brigante, Conrad Buff, William Cahill, William Merritt Chase, Herbert Chster Cressey, Meta Gehring Cressey, Boris Deutsch, Helena Dunlap, Howard Arden Edwards, Lorser Feitelson, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, Clarence Hinkle, Peter Krasnow, Stanton MacDonald-Wright, Jean Mannheim, Knud Merrild, John Hubbard Rich, Guy Rose, Donna Schuster, Henrietta Shore, E. Roscoe Shrader, Edmund Tarbell, Channel P. Townsley, Edouard Vysekal, Lubena Buchanan Vysekal, and Karl Yens. Published in 2000 by The Orange County Museum of Art and curated by Sarah Vure.