The Jupiter/Saturn Conference Lectures (Lectures on Modern Astrology)
This volume comprises eight lectures given at a 7-day conference in Berkeley, California at the time of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in July, 1982. In addition to considerable discussion of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction and its 20-year cycle, the talks cover numerous other subjects such as: Chart Comparison Dynamics; Chart Synthesis Methods; Research of Relationships; Key Issues of Astrology Today; The Theme of Light and Shadow (Consciousness/ Unconsciousness in the Chart; The Coloration of Ancient Myths with the Astrological signs, thus explaining some Underlying Dynamics of the Personality. Numerous exchanges with the audience add to the dynamic feeling of these talks, as the questions elicit even more of the speakers' observations and experience. Hence, some of the atmosphere that many conference participants found so extraordinary is conveyed in this volume to a far wider audience.