The Triple Knowledge: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism (Volume 1)
The Reformed faith and walk is set forth beautifully in this fine exposition of the fifty-two Lord's Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Three volumes, constituting the most extensive commentary on the catechism in English, may well be Hoeksema's greatest work.
In the contents of these books one will find all the distinctive truths of the Reformed faith clearly and biblically expounded, and sharply set forth against the lie.
The author, being a strong preacher of God's sovereign grace and unconditional covenant of friendship, expounds the doctrines of Scripture in a warm and personal way so that the child of God who meditates upon these pages sees more and more how these glorious truths are, indeed, his "only comfort in life and death."
Vol 1. covers the introduction and Lord's Day 1 to Lord's Day 16.