Memory Mechanics: How to Memorize Anything
You don't have to be a genius to develop a great memory. Does your child struggle in school? Help your children excel by putting this book in their hands. Are you learning a new language? Studying for a test? Memory Mechanics will teach you methods so you can memorize anything, even hard to remember historical facts and dates. A great gift for high school and college students, teachers and business leaders! Gary DeMar, author of 25 books, national speaker, and president of American Vision divulges his secret to success. These memory mechanics helped Gary who confesses to a poor memory even to this day when he was in college and graduate school. Gary continues to use these techniques, especially when he has to speak before large audiences without notes. Each technique is explained in detail and illustrated using full color memorable examples. Learning new material will be a breeze with these proven methods. Anyone, at any age, can apply the system in Memory Mechanics to improve the most forgetful memory. This title makes a great graduation or back-to-school gift!