This wide-ranging collection includes articles by twenty of the world's most eminent folklorists who have come together to honor their colleague Kenneth S. Goldstein, professor, scholar, book publisher, record producer, collector, chairman of the Department of Folklore and Folklife at the University of Pennsylvania, editor of the Journal of American Folklore, past-president of the American Folklore Society, and author of the landmark book A Guide for Field Workers in Folklore, which remains, more than thirty years after its first publication, the standard text on its subject. Drawing inspiration from Goldstein's example as a researcher and scholar, the contributors examine topics ranging from Goldstein's own theoretical positions and the process of fieldwork to discussions of folk belief, ethnic diversity, children's folklore, Native American texts, early American rituals and folklore, women's folklore, and obscenity. This volume represents the cutting edge of current methods in folklore studies while celebrating the intellectual traditions that have defined the field in the latter half of the century. The contributors are: Roger D. Abrahams, Dan Ben-Amos,Tristram Potter Coffin, Henry Glassie, Herbert Halpert, David J. Hufford, Dell Hymes, Virginia Hymes, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Margaret Mills, Peter Narváez, John W. Roberts, Dan Rose, Neil V. Rosenberg, Robert Blair St. George, Brian Sutton-Smith, John F. Szwed, Janet Theophano, Gerald Thomas, and J. D. A. Widdowson.