South American Birds: A Photographic Aid to Identification
Amateur birdwatchers and professional ornithologists alike have great difficulty identifying the approximately 2,950 species of birds that appear in South America. This book will be an invaluable aid as it includes more than 2,700 species of inland birds and over 1,400 color photographs, Each species account includes habitat and identification information...a very helpful range map is included for each bird. In 1978, John Dunning's first extensive identification book, "South American Land Birds", elicited critical praise and is being used world wide by thousands of birders and ornithologists who find it an invaluable aid to identification. After the success of that book, John Dunning worked tirelessly to add inland water birds to his collections of bird portraits (he describes his technique on p. 315). For twenty-five years prior to the publication of this book, he travelled to South America where he captured each bird, placed it in a special enclosure, photographed and released it...a remarkable feat when you view this vast collection.