Interpreting Symbols and Types
"Interpreting the Symbols and Types" may be used as a companion text-book with "Interpreting the Scriptures" by Conner Malmin. This text-book is a development and expansion of two Principles of Interpretation dealt with in the latter text, namely; The Symbolic and The Typical Principles. The book has been designed to set forth the majority of Symbols and Types evident in Scripture as a whole. The interpretation has been stated briefly along with appropriate Scriptures. The reader will benefit more fully by applying the Symbolic and/or Typical Principles according to their respective analogous extensions as per given illustrations in the text and under these Principles. A unique feature in Interpreting the Symbols and Types is the section that gives a brief interpretation of every symbol in the book of revelation. This book will be of much help to the believer who desires to understand the language of the symbol and type.