Ulysses: A Facsimile of the First Edition Published in Paris in 1922
A Facsimile of the First Edition Published in Paris in 1922\nThe Orchises Ulysses is a hardcover, sewn, full-size reproduction of the first edition as published in Paris in 1922. Unlike the facsimile in the Oxford World Classics, the dimensions of the pages in the Orchises facsimile are those of the original volume -- hence it is possible to read the book comfortably. Orchises has not altered the sequence of front matter or 'corrected' broken type. The colophon has been retained. The lettering on and the color of the front cover are the same as those seen on the volume published in 1922 in Paris by Sylvia Beach's Shakespeare and Company. As many know, the text of Ulysses is a complex one. Because the 1922 first printing was the one on which Joyce worked most intensively, it presents, even with its imperfections and tyopgraphical errors, the most reliable text for the general reader and for the scholar. The Orchises Ulysses is printed on acid-balanced paper, is smythe sewn, and is bound in Roxite grade B cloth. It is designed for both the shelf of a public library and the collection of a private reader.