Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun
"Conscious exercise" is a "technology of love," an approach of radiant feeling attention, that can be applied to all systems of physical exercise, all games, all play, and all ordinary activity.... Conscious exercise is simply a way of practicing this whole body happiness under all conditions, without reason. It utilizes the natural laws of body, breath, and attention to realign us, consciously and instantly, with the "Transcendental Sun" - the cosmic dimension of manifest light and life-force, or the all-pervading foundation energy of the physical and super-physical universe. The disciplines offered in this book include basic ways to stand, sit, walk, and breathe with energy and delight; brief and natural routines of calisthenics, hatha yoga, and surya namaskar; and a basic practice of pranayama, or control of life-force in breath that can be done at random throughout the day.