A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe the "Saint of Auschwitz")
Many consider "A Man for Others" the best biography of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Franciscan saint who gave up his life for another at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Patricia Treece chronicles the remarkable life of this Polish priest, theologian, journalist, evangelist and "martyr of charity" in the words of those who knew him. The first person testimonies include those of family members, friends, fellow Franciscan friars, death camp survivors--even that of the prisoner for whom Kolbe died. Treese uses this unique biographical approach like a master artist, revealing the extraordinary virtues of this "prophet of the civilization of love" (Pope John Paul II). She shows how St. Maximilian exemplified the Franciscan ideal of loving without limits, loving even his Nazi oppressors, loving even unto death. St. Maximilian Kolbe is truly a hero and inspiration for those of any creed.