Sex and Fly Fishers: A Delightful and Insightful Celebration of Fly Fishing
From Library Journal The title promises--or indicates--something not delivered in the text; it is probably an attempt to be provocative (with its curious and unsupported conjugation), which falls flat. Russell's contributors are dedicated, but conspicuously mediocre, writers. The product, a collection of 43 brief essays or quips by others and 30 of the same by Russell himself, covers a wide variety of fishing topics--seldom pointed, seldom polished, seldom amusing or arresting. The illustrations are crude and distracting. Stone Wall Press is a small publisher with several fine titles to its credit; this is a title that one would not be surprised to see remaindered soon after its release.- David Panciera, Westerly P.L., R.I.Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.