Letters from the Mandali of Avatar Meher Baba Vol II
This second volume of a planned series of letters is gleaned from a vast store of correspondence between Meher Baba and His lovers from the 1950's to 1969, and between eight of His close mandali (disciple) and His lovers after 1969. Containing varying degrees of Meher Baba's active participation, these letters all project one unifying theme: no matter the topic, they invariably address spiritual issues along guidelines derived from Baba's own way of handling similar situations. Throughout they are uncomprosmising, but unerstanding; brief, but totally responsive; forrthright, but lovingly worded. A series of letters from Meher Baba to Dr. William Donkin in the 1930s and 1940s highlights this new collection, which provides a matchless portrait of Meher Baba's reltationship with those who are committed to following Him.