Understanding the Apple II
The purpose of Understanding the Apple II is to assist the student of the Apple in accelerating the process of assimilating knowledge about his or her computer. This book is hardware oriented, and, therefore, fills a longstanding information gap in Apple literature. Emphasis is placed on achieving an operational knowledge of the Apple, based on an understanding of how the hardware works. Operational knowledge consists of knowing what the Apple can do, knowing how to make it do it, and knowing what a controlling program is making the Apple do. By way of assisting the reader in achieving his goals, the goals of this book are:1. To provide clear descriptions of microcomputer fundamentals and of the operational features of the Apple.2. To provide examples of how a knowledge of the operational features of the Apple can be applied.3. To provide the most through hardware reference material available for the benefit of technically oriented readers and for those readers who wish to delve very deeply into the secrets of the Apple.4. To serve as a text book for Apple based high school or university courses teaching computer fundamentals.5.To fill information gaps in Apple literature by describing previously undocumented operational features.