Satan's Mark Exposed
Your supermarkets are already programmed for the day Anti-christ takes over! Laser scanning devices identify and price your food. One day these same devices will deny you the right to buy food for your family unless you have the Mark!
Your banks have already installed sophisticated devices that can deny you the right to withdraw your own money! Not even your safe deposit box will be sacred!
Your government now has over 20,000 computers and a potential spy network that eventually can trace your every move! Plus a new zip code system that can number each individual with a personal number.
These and many other issues are topics revealed by Salem Kirban in Satan's Mark Exposed. Dr. Kirban shows why this could be the last 20 years of history before Christ rules the earth! His keen insight into world trends should shock you into reality. These are the last days! The day that no one will be able to buy or sell is just about here.
You should know the facts. Protect your loved ones now and have Satan's mark exposed.