The Bath Book
Throughout the ages, the bath has had its alternating periods of popularity and decline. In our time, the hygienic necessity of bathing and cleanliness is a foregone conclusion. Most of us bathe regularly and pride ourselves on clean living. The problem is that many of us bathe for cleanliness only, letting the more aesthetic aspects of the bath go down the drain.It is our intention not to dwell on the obvious hygienic necessity of bathing, but instead to emphasize the delights and pleasures of the bath.Our accelerated pace of living leaves us little time for a tranquil soak in a hot tub. Moreover, bathing has become a chore; a bothersome task, squeezed in between 5:l5 and cocktails. The leisurely, relaxing bath is being abandoned in favor of the quick, invigorating shower. We would suggest a compromise wherein the bath and the shower both be utilized for their unique advantages. Just as the shower has it place in the scheme of things, so should the bath be afforded the time it so richly deserves. Or, put another way, you should afford yourself the time you so richly deserve.We hope by increasing your knowledge and awareness of the bath, to enhance your enjoyment of it. Steep your body in a steaming tub, float away tensions, drown anxieties, relax...enjoy.