Seasons of the Spirit
It was once fashionable to think that the human race has been civilized for no more than a few thousand years. Then repeated discoveries seemed to prove that humanity had existed as we know it well back beyond the misty curtain where written records cease. What is the real truth of the matter? Seasons of the Spirit, the second in the series of books being transmitted telepathically by the Master Hilarion through Toronto psychic Maurice B. Cooke, contains a fascinating account of man's early phases on the earth. Descriptions of the Flood, the Atlantean experience, Tiahuanaco, and the early Greek era are interspersed with lessons relating to karma, rebirth, astrology, and body symbolism. The text ends with a direct message to the reader which is considered by many to be one of the most evocative and powerful pieces of prose ever written. This book is an exercise in expanding the mind. Though one of its purposes is to encourage those already seeking spiritual truth, it nonetheless manages to treat all of its various topics in a clear and reasonable manner that is readily accessible to a wide spectrum of the reading public. This book is a 'must' for all those who are curious about the hidden side of earth life, the unsolved mysteries of antiquity, and the real origins of the human race.