30-day Mental Diet: The Way to a Better Life
So why not a mental diet? We are constantly filling our minds with thoughts of all kinds. Little selection is done. It seems that the mind is a giant hopper into which all manner of things are dumped with little concern as to what happens afterwards. Yet it is the mind, and its content of thought, which determines to a large degree the functioning and health of our physical bodies, the state of our relationships with others, and the degree of success which we may be able to achieve. Perhaps if we would embark on a regime of mental dieting, carefully watching what enters into and is entertained in thought, selecting specific types of thought for certain specific results, barring other thoughts which are definitely productive of results other than those which we desire, then we might be able to make more of ourselves than we now are and enjoy a richer, fuller life. Controller diet, either of food or of thought, cannot help but result in control of what we experience. so try a mental diet for thirty days. It can be fun, interesting, and very productive. While on the mental diet numerous ideas will be encountered which may be somewhat new. But they are ideas whose nutritious value and productivity of results have been proved. What results are desired from a mental diet? just name them - a greater degree of health, happiness, or success - a mental diet can give them to you.