Totline Teaching Tales ~ Teeny-Tiny Folktales ~ Simple Folktales For Young Children Plus Flannelboard Patterns
Folktales have enchanted children since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, many of the tales are inappropriate for preschool-aged children because the stories are too long, too complicated or too frightening. Consequently, these folktales have been modernized and selected to shorten and to adapt the tales for young listeners. On occasion, traditionally male-dominated tales have been rewritten to include female heroes and villain. These changes will ensure the continuation of these fine folktales in children's literature today. Folktales are found in all cultures around the world. This collection has tales from many different countries. The flannelboard patterns are designed to be copied for home or school use. After being copied, the patterns can be cut out, colored and then back with felt strip. The patterns can also be used to make cutouts from felt. The finished flannelboard patterns can be used to illustrate or to tell the tales and used to develop language skills.