HIRSCH COMMENTARY ON THE TORAH- 7 Volume set (English and Hebrew Edition)
This is Samson Raphael Hirschs magnum opus. His textual and conceptual commentary on the Chumash gives full expression to his philosophy of Torah im derekh eretzthe interconnectedness of Torah and world civilization. Hirschs philosophy also focuses on the unity of the Written and Oral Laws. It was as Rav of Frankfurt-am-Main, a bastion of traditional Judaism in Germany, that Hirsch fashioned his timeless philosophy. This classic English edition of Rabbi Hirschs German translation of the Torah text, and of his complete commentary on the Torah and Haftaroth, is presented in full in seven handsome volumes. The accompanying Hebrew text is fully vocalized. The Haftoroth, the seventh volume was translated and explained in German by Rabbi Hirschs eldest son, Dr. Mendel Hirsch.
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