Smart Girls, Gifted Women
It was the 10-year reunion of all those gifted kids who attended the school for high achievers in St. Louis, an event that has changed the life of the author. Their early talents and intellect portended excellence, success, prestige, perhaps greatness, but most of the women in the group had settled into mediocre jobs, performing uninspiring chores or were unemployed, happy in traditional roles. And they were barely approaching the age of 30. As memories of that night's party faded, Kerr set off on a new path--studying and researching the lives of gifted women, and counseling gifted girls and their adult counterparts. The Guidance Laboratory for Gifted and Talented at the University of Nebraska was thus born, directed by Dr. Kerr. In this title, she offers thoughtful suggestions for parents of gifted girls from preschool through graduate school.