The Triune God: God The Father, God The Son, God the Holy Spirit
This course covers the individuality of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the biblical teaching of the Trinity. Topics include the character and work of God; the reexistence, incarnation, deity, death, resurrection and return of Christ as well as the personality and power of the Holy Spirit. Clarence H. Benson, 96 pages, paper, ISBN 0-910566-09-7 Table of Contents Introduction The Nature of God The Infinitude of God The Holiness, Righteousness, and Justice of God The Truthfulness, Faithfulness, and Love of God The Works of God The Preexistence and Incarnation of Christ The Deity of Christ The Sacrificial Death of Christ The Resurrection of Christ The Return and Reign of Christ The Personality and Power of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit and the Believer