Jackson's Silver and Gold Marks of England, Scotland & Ireland
Sir Charles Jackson's English Goldsmiths and their Marks is the classic reference work on British antique silver hallmarks. First written in 1905 and last revised in 1921, it is a mammoth endeavour which has remained in print ever since. It is still considered indispensable by silver collectors and dealers, despite shortcomings due to its age. This major new edition has been compiled by a team of distinguished experts to take account of the vast store of information which has been unearthed as a result of much detailed and wide ranging research over the last seventy years. The text has been extensively updated with over 10,000 corrections and an enormous amount of entirely new material. For example, there are over 1,000 corrections to London eighteenth century makers' marks alone. Many ideas and attributions have changed since Jackson assembled his work and some of the makers he overlooked are now known to be of major significance. There are not many standard reference works which survive for eig