The Traveller's Guide to Fairy Sites
A traveller's guidebook to the 500+ places in the British Isles where fairies have actually been seen offers a new angle on the very popular SUBJECT: of fairies. Most of the stories are not about the pretty winged fairies from children's picture books, but vsit the actual sites where fairies have been seen and, perhaps, may be seen today. This well-regarded author, known for her scholarly research, offers * accurate details on how to get to the sites * first-hand sighting reports and strange accounts of fairy sightings, traditional and modern * a guide to the different types of Little People, from Pixies to Leprechauns * many illustrations, engravings, drawings, photographs and maps This is Fairy Lore for intrepid or armchair travellers, but it is most definitely not for the fainthearted, as many of the stories can make your hair stand on end.