Mohawks Over Burma
From the dust In the late summer of 1942 the sole aerial defence of India against the victorious Japanese advancing through Burma rested on the shoulders of a little band of Commonwealth pilots flying Mohawk fighters. For the next eighteen months, these men- Canadians and British, New Zealanders and Australians, and many others- were constantly in action over India and Burma. Bomber escort, ground attack, reconnaissance, and Chindit support were all in the day's work for the men of the Mohawk squadrons. Here, for the first time, is the story of these men and their aircraft. Flying and fighting over the rivers and mountains of Burma, life on the jungle airstrips and the temporary bases on the beaches of the Indian Ocean, whirling dogfights with agile Japanese fighters, and the strange roads that brought these men to fight and some to die in this now almost forgotten campaign—all are described in full detail. Mohawks Over Burma is a book you will not soon forget.