Tuolumne Meadows: High Sierra Hiking GuideãIncludes the Surrounding Uplands
Covers at least 14 miles east-west by 17 miles north-south and discusses trailheads and trails, climate, geology, history, flora and fauna, campsites, swimming holes and more. Includes Tuolumne Meadows map.
What is a High Sierra Hiking Guide? It's a small, compact book that covers all the trails and trailheads in a popular area in the High Sierra. In each guide there is a minimum of 100 miles of trail described. Their compact size (4.5" x 6") makes them easy to carry. Each book has at least 96 pages of information, an index, and photographs. If you're going backpacking, each guide covers the amount of area you're likely to venture through on a backpacking trip. Or if you're camping in a particular area, the High Sierra Hiking Guides will give you lots of options for dayhikes. Save money-you don't need to buy any other maps because each hiking guide comes with an updated, accurate topographic map.