Shipwrecks: Diving the Graveyard of the Atlantic
Rod Farb, a PADI divemaster with decades of diving experience, has led innumerable dive trips to the wrecks off the North Carolina Coast. Shipwrecks is the chronicle of his underwater adventures diving the "Graveyard of the Atlantic." Now, this acknowledged classic is in its second edition, with over 100 new pages of additional information. Farb's accounts of eight new wreck dives have been added, along with an extensive description of the expedition dive of the great Civil War ship the U.S.S. Monitor. Divers and historians will find this completely revised and updated second edition, with almost 80 near shore and offshore wreck sites, to be the best volume on shipwrecks in the regions. This edition of Shipwrecks features: A comprehensive overview of each wreck, instructions for diving from both a boat and the beach, vivid descriptions of Rod Farb's underwater adventures, masterful underwater photographs and illustrations as well as appendixes with information about underwater photography, charter dive services, the divers alert network, and state and federal statutes governing underwater salvage.