198 pp. Illus. 5½x8½, soft cover, 1994.
Book only: #1396 $17.50
Computer disk (3½" or 5¼"): $2.00 Was your ancestor born on Elftausend Jungfrauentag, but you haven't the faintest idea when that was? Puzzled by the changeover from Julian to Gregorian calendars? Mystified by a Napoleonic-era reference to the month of Nivôse? Help is at hand!
This easy-to-use book explains in straightforward fashion the Julian and Gregorian calendars; the double dating system of years; the Church calendars [including a 95 page list with some 7,000 entries of Saint's days, Feast days, and the like]; the Roman calendar, the French Republican calendar, and the Quaker calendar; and perpetual calendars 1400-1999!
Also available is a DOS-based program which will automatically give you the date of birth for any ancestor whose date of death and age at death you know, solving one of those pesky problems which all of us face.
The program also converts Julian/ Gregorian dates; finds the date of week for a specific date; finds the month and day of a specific religious holiday; and adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides pounds/shillings/pence and dollars/reales.