Resonant Lives: Fifty Figures of Consequence

Resonant Lives: Fifty Figures of Consequence image




Author(s): Greenberg,Paul
Released: May 28, 1991
Format: Hardcover, 225 pages
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Paul Greenberg's word portraits of significant political, historical, and literary figures are gathered together here for the first time. This nationally syndicated columnist and winner of the 1969 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing has a flair for capturing in a brief span the essence of a personality and the mark that person has made on the world. Includes essays on Beckett, Faubus, Fulbright, Gromyko, Kennan, Lincoln, Mencken, Moyniham, Orwell, and Swaggart, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Isasc Bashevis Singer, Jesse Jackson, Richard Nixon, Ayn Rand and Robert E. Lee.
Greenberg's column appears in the Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Louisville Courier, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and some fifty other papers.

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