Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps & Covers 2011
There are more than 8,000 value changes in the 2011 edition of the Scott U.S. Specialized Catalogue. Overshadowing the value changes this year are the addition of three new sections in the catalogue. The three new sections are Scott Stamp Values, U.S. Registry Exchange Labels of 1883-1911 and U.S. Stamps Used in the Confederacy. Many collectors no doubt are familiar with the Scott publication Scott Stamp Values: U.S. Specialized by Grade. Previously, this information was provided in a separate 50-page booklet. This information has now been incorporated into the Specialized bringing all Scott valuing information for the United States stamps into one volume. This new catalogue section lists values of the more expensive U.S. stamps in eight different grades, from Very Good to Superb. The addition of this new section adds more than 30,00 additional value points to the volume.