Games Magazine The Book of Sense and Nonsense Puzzles
The perfect gift for puzzle fans or anyone who likes to be challenged, this little book contains over 100 curious, magically tricky brainteasers. Because the eye is quicker than the thinking cap, all puzzlers should put on their smiles, adjust their approaches to a different zone, and stay flexible-for in the end, the answer is as plain as the nose on the tip of a tongue.
Here are constructions of every sort-from "Martin Gardner's Favorite Quickies," to a brand-new crossword that is clued with solutions to other puzzles in the book. Watch out for the Elastic Aptitude Test, an Aria Ready for This? And a Dancin' Feat-as graphically pleasing pages challenge the egghead, tickle the funny bone, and remind all concerned that things can go bump in the mouth. 131,000 copies in print.