Wernher Von Braun: Crusader for Space, Combined Edition
Although rockets appeared on the scene some eight centuries ago, the development of their high-performance descendants dates only to the 1930s. It was then that Wernher von Braun and his colleagues in Germany undertook an energetic and systematic program to develop rockets that evolved into the wartime V-2. By 1958, the von Braun team, now working in the United States, orbited America's first satellite with their Juno I derivative. A decade later, their giant Saturn V began powering three-man Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. This book is based on close personal and professional relationships of the authors with von Braun (25 years for Ordway, 34 years for Stuhlinger). Enriched by more than a hundred carefully recorded and edited interviews, this authoritative work also includes several hundred verbal and written comments on von Braun by people who knew him well.