The Alstons and Allstons of North and South Carolina, compiled from English, Colonial and Family Records with Personal Reminiscences also Notes of ... LaBruce, Pawley and Ward Families of Waccamaw
There were two major Alston-Allston lines: one in North Carolina from which the author descends and which is a very comprehensive genealogy of this family; the other was the Allston faily of South Carolina, in which the author concentrated on the male line. This reprint updates the South Carolina line of Allston family, emphasizing the female lines. Contains excellent genealogies of the LaBruce, Ward, Pawley families of the Wacacaamaw area. The publisher has added a very comprehensive photo section of various descendants of the Allstons, LaBruce, Pawleys and Wards from photograghs and oil paintings, as well as family jewlery and other items dating from the 1730's. This is a MUST book for anyone with roots in the Low Country of South Carolina due to the many intermarriages between these four familiesand other illustrious families of Colonial South Carolina.