Soul Seeds: Revelations & Drawings
Cultural Writing. Inspiration. With a foreword by Laura Huxley. SOUL SEEDS, an inspirational book of succinctly-expressed philosophical insights, accompanied by a series of intuitively imaginative drawings, provides a shift in perspective that awakens and frees the spirit when the mind is stuck in culturally-conditioned ways of thinking. It can help to transform fear into conscious creation, re-vitalize imagination, and renew a sense of wonder, romance and innocence. In this rushed world, the power of these insights is in their brevity; readers can peruse the book as they wish, even using it as an oracle by posing a question and then opening it at random to see what fresh insight may be gleaned, rather than reading it cover-to-cover. "Carolyn Mary Kleefeld writes from a well of perception that is rare and rises from deep within. Each observation, each short passage from her book SOUL SEEDS is a flash of insight that strikes to our very hearts"--Evelyne Blau.