Verdict on the shroud: Evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
2012 UPDATE: In fact, a program on The History Channel, The Real Face of Jesus, provides solid evidence that the image WAS formed by radiation. Interestingly, the image is NOT a photo. It is a DATABASE containing HOLOGRAPHIC INFORMATION that has been OPTICALLY STORED. In essence, it's "the world's first DVD -- but on cloth." With the help of one of the STURP physicists and numerous other experts, the sculptor was able to use the encoded 3D data points to create a three-dimensional "death mask" of Jesus. He then used a regular digital scanner on the death mask. The output was very similar to the shroud image INCLUDING THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL ASPECTS under the VP-8 Image Analyzer. He showed that the "radiation" was some kind of light in a "narrow slice" configuration as is commonly used in scanners.